Tuesday, December 14, 2010

First Post

So, I finally got around to creating a blog of some sort.  Cutting edge, I'm not apparently.  The posts here will likely be sporadic and not on some sort of regular pattern, but rather when I get the energy to post and the time to do so.

To start things off, just a quick run down of myself.  I live in Kentucky, I'm single, and I'm 30 years old (at least for a few more days).  Unlike the majority of people around me, I'm registered Democrat, and am an atheist.  Some may say more of an anti-theist, but I try to keep things civil as much as I can when discussing the topic.

Most likely, this blog is going to be for me to vent on matters political and social.  I don't expect anyone reading it to agree with me constantly, and in fact I prefer to hear different opinions since they make me consider my own position more thoroughly, and that is never a bad outcome to a discussion.  I will also be discussing topics of interest across various scientific fields, ranging from astronomy to biology to physics and a host of other topics. 

So, that's my opening salvo.  Let the games begin.

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